Make an Income Doing What You Love

The free, friendly way to accept donations, memberships and sales directly from fans.

We Take 0% of Your Donations

More than $4 million donated to creators every
month with zero fees from Ko-fi!

While other platforms take a fee on each donation, we don't. Keep more of your money with Ko-fi.

Everything in One Place

Create your Ko-fi page and start accepting donations in just 60 seconds. Grow your income by opening your free Ko-fi Shop, offering memberships or selling commissions and services.

Do it all from your single, beautiful Ko-fi page.

Receive Donations

0% Platform Fees

Ko-fi is the original, fun and friendly way to receive donations and messages of support from fans of what you do!

Use it as a tip jar, let fans contribute towards your goal and even receive donation alerts while you stream.

Sell Products

Open your Ko-fi Shop and add your digital or physical products in just 60 seconds. No listing fees, no website to set up. Just share your link and start making sales!

No listing fees, no website to set up. Just share your link and start making sales!

Offer Memberships

Build a Monthly Income

Let fans become exclusive members, supporting you monthly at different pricing tiers.

Reward members with unique benefits like Discord roles, exclusive content or physical items.

Offer Commissions or Requests

Start for Free!

Build a menu of creative commissions or offer personalized services like a custom tutorial or a video chat!

Control available slots, offer add-ons and get paid directly into your PayPal or Stripe account.